Meet Kelly
Meet Kelly
Leadership Expert. Organisational Psychologist. Founder of Left Field Co.
I founded Left Field Co. to create an alternative for leaders and workplaces who understand the power of people in organisations. My strength lies in my ability to translate 15+ years’ experience in Organisational Psychology, with direct expertise in developing and coaching thousands of leaders to deliver real-world results.
I have been partnering with organisations and leaders for well over a decade to improve performance, productivity, and success through people and have become a trusted adviser to most. Leaders tell me that I am expressive, passionate, and influential in my ability to create “aha” moments & insights to see behavioural change stick. I am proud to say that nothing about me is unfounded or marketing slick – my dedication to developing leaders is genuine. My key focus is to create successful habits for leadership which can support the challenges of work now.
My style is solutions-focused and practical. I utilise my entrepreneurial experience as an owner of multiple businesses to translate my expertise as a psychologist into practical steps leaders can follow and results, they can see.
Meet Kelly
Leadership Expert. Organisational Psychologist. Founder of Left Field Co.
I founded Left Field Co. to create an alternative for leaders and workplaces who understand the power of people in organisations. My strength lies in my ability to translate 15+ years’ experience in Organisational Psychology, with direct expertise in developing and coaching thousands of leaders to deliver real-world results.
I have been partnering with organisations and leaders for well over a decade to improve performance, productivity, and success through people and have become a trusted adviser to most. Leaders tell me that I am expressive, passionate, and influential in my ability to create “aha” moments & insights to see behavioural change stick. I am proud to say that nothing about me is unfounded or marketing slick – my dedication to developing leaders is genuine. My key focus is to create successful habits for leadership which can support the challenges of work now.
My style is solutions-focused and practical. I utilise my entrepreneurial experience as an owner of multiple businesses to translate my expertise as a psychologist into practical steps leaders can follow and results, they can see.
Masters of
Organisational Psychology
Honours in
Bachelor of Arts
Certificate in
Psychological Society
College of
Organisational Psychologists
Raising two young sons
Co-running a deli & commercial kitchen with her husband
Developing Leadership programs
Coaching executives, business owners and senior leaders
Writing books
on 21st Century leadership, neuroscience & performance
I am currently writing a book about high performance and burnout, and what leaders can do to avoid this! If you would like to be in the loop when the book is released, please add your name to the waiting list here.
I’ve been told I’m an expressive, passionate and engaging speaker! My aim with speaking is to have audiences walk away from every presentation with key, clear strategies to implement back in their own workplaces straight away. Special topics are:
- Infobesity – How to survive the 21st century workplace
- Avoid burnout from Top Performers – how leaders can prevent high achiever burnout
- Groan Zone – how to avoid the pitfalls of self-doubt and create a better self
- Emotional Intelligences – ways to use emotions as an advantage to leadership
- Courage + Care – how to use active silence to hear the hardest things
Watch me!
It’s not all academia and psychobabble
I co-own a thriving fruit shop and commercial kitchen in Brisbane, with my business partner and husband, called Superior Fruit. When we took over the business, it was suffering from a negative profit. In less than 5 years I have been able to implement Left Field Co. strategies to effectively lead our team and turn the business around. We’re now returning a consistent 10% profits and are debt-free.
The Leftfield Co. Journey
Left Field Co. has grown with new clients, programs and initiatives; whilst still keeping existing clients for over a decade. I believe in a true partnership style, which allows clients to return to me as their businesses evolve to work on new solutions to fit their cultural needs.
From face-to-face to the development of virtual learning, I am always striving to find innovative ways grounded in science to support leaders and organisations.
Left Field's Story Began
In 2009, there were not many organisations utilising Organisational Psychologists, so it was a brave move to create a business only offering Organisational Psychological services. Hence the reason why the name Left Field Co. was chosen – a new alternative way to engage people at work. The purpose was to engage leaders with the knowledge and application of how to shape the way people work positively.
Growth Spurt
New projects and clients were added to the portfolio which meant, Left Field Co. needing a strong project management coordinator to support growth. One of the key methodologies behind Left Field Co. is a strong utilisation of project management principles to make sure programs of work are delivered in the most impactful way – the result is better performance at work!
More Experts, More Workplaces
As offerings such as profiling, coaching and facilitating kept growing, the need to expand to additional psychologists in the team began. Also, interns who were seeking supervision under Kelly’s guidance was well-sort after and truly valued at Left Field Co. It is a great time to see psychologists in workplaces being utilising into creating powerful cultures.
A New Trajectory
A shift in mindset, Kelly embarked on focusing on building a personal brand as a speaker, coach and consultant, partnering exclusively with Founders/Owners, Executives and C-Suite. In this time, Kelly ventured into gaining further knowledge and qualifications in Neuroscience.
Refocusing and Redeveloping
With an eye on innovation, Left Field Co. shifted focus on providing additional services online. This allowed Kelly to work with international clients in New Zealand, Asia, South Africa, Canada and America. It was a steep learning curve to understand how to provide the connection and engagement via teleconference channels, but well worth the effort to expand horizons outside of Australia and translate solutions with different cultures, languages, and behaviours!
The Year That Should Not Be Named
What a year, learning how to pivot during COVID-19 was challenging, but this time allowed Kelly to focus energy on writing and speaking opportunities, to connect with a wider audience and share her learnings about well-being, resiliency and change-readiness.
Onwards and Upwards
The ethos of Kelly and Left Field Co. is to keep researching, learning, creating and innovating as people navigate new work challenges. The call and the need for authentic, change-agent, emotionally connected leaders is more apparent; so new tools, ideas, strategies are always being developed and introduced to forward thinking leaders.