Left Field Co.

Left Field Co Library

Left Field Co Library

This collection of resources has been developed and distilled over 15 years of working with leaders and executives to create change in their organisations. Each tool or template has been used in real workplaces, with real people, and is designed to be effective and practical to use.

Left Field Co. Library

This collection of resources has been developed and distilled over 15 years of working with leaders and executives to create change in their organisations. Each tool or template has been used in real workplaces, with real people, and is designed to be effective and practical to use.

leaders have a big impact on the results of business

Having the right utensils to mindfully lead humans in the workplace is essential for being able to impact organisational culture and achieve business goals.

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Research has shown that up to 70% of the organisational culture can be directly attributed to the leadership styles used by their leadership team.
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Hay Group research shows 10% of bottom line results are directly attributed to organisational culture.


Take the quiz to see if you might be overloaded with distractions and not prioritising your key leadership goals. In the quiz, we give you strategies to overcome the overwhelm to get you back on track.


Read this ebook to learn how to keep up and declutter the mind boggle that comes with a modern workplace.

Read this ebook to learn how to adapt in an ever-changing leadership environment.


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busyness video thumbnail
leader in learning video thumbnail


Read what’s on Kelly’s bookshelf at the moment.


for my peers

I am grateful that you are here. It’s so important to share expert knowledge in our community. If you would like to use any of these tools in your own work please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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